Transducers 2009 - Denver, Colorado, USA
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Short Courses


Micro Energy

Optical MEMS

Integrated Biosensors


Title: Micro Energy Harvesting
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Overview of Peter Woias', Gerhard Wachutka's, Eric Yeatman's and Peter Spies' lectures:

Today, we are surrounded by - and heavily depend on - a high diversity of distributed and embedded microsystems. Examples are, e.g., MEMS devices in cars, distributed sensor and actuator systems in buildings and industrial fabrication, distributed MEMS devices in medical care and MEMS-RFID tags in transport and logistics. Micro Energy Harvesting, i.e. the conversion of ambient energy into a microsystem node's supply, promises a novel and paradigm-changing approach to supply such a widespread system without the need of power grids or batteries.

The short course will address this novel energy technology with lectures that outline, on one hand, the global concept of energy harvesting and its particular requirements concerning energy conversion, energy storage and energy management. On the other hand, technical knowledge will be given on selected energy conversion mechanism, e.g. by piezoelectric, electromagnetic, thermoelectric or photovoltaic generators and on concepts for a highly efficient energy management. This should give the attendee a comprehensive grip on micro energy harvesting as a whole as well as detailed knowledge on selected and highly relevant areas of this widespread field.

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