Transducers 2009 - Denver, Colorado, USA
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Dear Company Representative:

The Executive Committee for the 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers'09) would like to invite you to participate as a supporter and/or exhibitor at the upcoming Conference. The Conference will be held at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, Colorado, USA. We anticipate over 1000+ research scientists and professionals in solid-state sensors, actuators and microsystems technology from organizations around the world participating.

Transducers'09, sponsored by the IEEE Electron Devices Society, continues a series of biennial Conferences that are the premier forum for reporting research results in microsensors, microactuators, MEMS and microsystems. As an exhibitor, advertiser, or contributor, you will find this Conference gives your company the opportunities in getting your name and business in front of this global professional community. Transducers'09 offers a rare opportunity to meet and network with a high quality audience in the professional atmosphere of a focused International Technical Conference. The breadth and depth of research topics combined with the quality of invited and contributed technical presentations makes this Conference a premier event for all professionals in the industry which then makes it a 'must attend' Conference for your company.

There are several opportunities for your company to be involved in Transducers'09. One opportunity is as an exhibitor during the Conference. Another opportunity is as a contributor of the Conference and possibly of specific events.

As a Supporter of Transducers'09, the Conference will provide your company with visibility to the attendees, and with specific and targeted means of communicating with this audience. Choose from the several options and levels of support, including designation as a Benefactor of significant social events during the Conference. All levels include listing of your organization on the Transducers'09 web-site with a link to your organization's website, your organization's name and logo on the opening slides at the Conference and in the final program and technical digest, as well as listing on the final promotional brochure. Your participation in Transducers'09 will achieve greater recognition and increased visibility in this technical community for your organization.

As stated above, the Transducers'09 Conference attracts leaders in solid-state sensors, actuators and microsystems technology by offering a top quality technical program of the current state-of-the-art papers combined with networking opportunities. This is a great opportunity for your organization to participate in an activity that will showcase your organization's technical expertise.

We are looking forward to another successful Conference at Transducers'09 and hope that your company will seriously consider participating.


General Chairman
Khalil Najafi, University of Michigan, USA

Program Chairman
Martin Schmidt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

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