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MEPTEC - MicroElectronics Packaging & Test Engineering Council
P.O. Box 222
Medicine Park, OK 73557 USA
phone: 1-650-714-1570
fax: 1-866-424-0130

MEPTEC (Microelectronics Packaging and Test Engineering Council) is a trade association of over 400 semiconductor suppliers, manufacturers and individuals committed to enhancing the competitiveness of the back-end portion of the semiconductor business. MEPTEC is concerned exclusively with assembly, packaging and test issues and is dedicated to the advancement of that segment of the industry. Since its inception 30 years ago, MEPTEC has provided a forum for semiconductor packaging and test professionals to learn and exchange ideas that relate to assembly, test and handling. Through its membership and an Advisory Board consisting of individuals from many different segments of the back-end semiconductor industry, MEPTEC continuously strives to improve and elevate the roles of assembly and test professionals in the industry.

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