The EUROSENSOR Fellowship Award will acknowledge and honor advances in any of the "Sensor" related research fields. The awardees' contributions must be innovative, of high impact, and widely recognized by the EUROSENSORS community. The awardees have made a significant contribution to EUROSENSORS conference series in the past and they shall be good ambassadors of EUROSENSORS.
The ES Fellow will be invited for a plenary talk at the next conference and will get free registration at the following three EUROSENSORS conferences.
Eurosensors Steering Committee members may nominate candidates and the Eurosensors Fellowship Subcommittee will select the winner.
Fellowship Subcommittee Members (2019):
E. Comini (Brescia, Italy)
Steering Committee Co-Chair
M. Fleischer (Munich, Germany)
J.P. Viricelle (Saint-Etienne, France)
Past Steering Committee Chair
C. Hierold (Zurich, Switzerland)
Past ES Fellow
Fellow 2016 - Eugenio Martinelli (Rome, Italy)
Fellow 2017 - Joan Daniel Prades (Barcelona, Spain)
Fellow 2018 - Emmanuel Scorsonne (Paris, France)