Transducers Early Career Award
Early Career Award will acknowledge and honor advances in the design, fabrication and/or commercialization of solid-state sensors, actuators and microsystems, which are achieved by individuals or teams. The awardees' contributions must be innovative, of high impact, and widely recognized by the transducers community. The awardees, which are not older than 35, show either high potential for a successful academic or industrial career or demonstrate entrepreneurship as founders of a start-up or early stage company.
Eurosensor Fellowship Award
The EUROSENSOR Fellowship Award will acknowledge and honor advances in any of the "Sensor" related research fields. The awardees' contributions must be innovative, of high impact, and widely recognized by the EUROSENSORS community. The awardees have made a significant contribution to EUROSENSORS conference series in the past and they shall be good ambassadors of EUROSENSORS.
Student Travel Grants
The Transducers 2019 Conference and Transducer Research Foundation (TRF) is offering travel support, on a competitive basis, for attending the upcoming Transducers 2019/EUROSENSORS33 (TR19/ES33) Conference in the form of waived registration fees (banquet tickets not included) for students and young researchers (i.e. 3 years after obtaining their PhD degree) who have been successful in being accepted for an oral or poster presentation at the upcoming TR19/ES33 conference. 2nd or 3rd authors (students and young researchers), which would not have a chance to travel otherwise are eligible to apply. 1st authors are expected to register through the regular registration process.