Sponsors » Current Support

Parkring 11
Munich, 85748 GERMANY
phone: +49 - 89 - 960-9090

Booth 55

ULVAC - The Ultimate in VACUUM. We welcome you to our booth.

ULVAC's solutions diversely incorporate equipment, and services for Semiconductors, MEMS, Flat Panel Displays, PCB, TFB, and others manufacturers.

For MEMS application ULVAC has developed systems dedicated to MEMS sensors, actuators, switches, lab-on-chip and micro-mirror manufacturing. This equipment range includes deposition and etching for piezzoelectric materials like PZT, AlN and ScAlN, glas etching, noble metal etching, sputtering and etching of functional materials, thick resist ashing, resist and polymer removal within trench structures, plasma dicing and others. Come by our booth and find out why ULVAC is able to support all of your manufacturing.

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